Visit us for all your Polaris Vehicle Servicing Needs!


At Okeson Offtrail, we strive to provide quality service to our customers. We don’t just sell you the best powersport products in the area, we also offer a variety of services to go with it. Customers will experience the convenience of purchasing their product in the same place where they can receive repairs, routine maintenance, and any other service their vehicle might need. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call or stop by our service department in Detroit Lakes, MN today! We’ll assist you with your ATV service, recreational vehicle service, and more.

Major/Minor Repairs

We know that sustaining damage to your vehicle can be stressful to deal with and that’s why we offer repairs right here at our dealership. Whether you need a simple tire repair or something more serious, we’re here for you.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance no longer needs to be a hassle for you. Bring your vehicle in for any routine maintenance needs like an oil or filter change, radiator flush and fill, or chain adjustment. We can take care of all your maintenance needs.

Performance Tuning

For all of your performance tuning needs, visit us at Okeson Offtrail. We can perform a tuneup to ensure that your vehicle’s engine is performing to the best of its ability. We’ll check your engine’s power output, responsiveness, torque, and more.